Warning: This module may not support sharing across sites

You are attempting to add a reference to this module that exists on another site in this group. This module may or may not support sharing across multiple sites - it doesn't explicitly state either way whether it does.

If you are sure that it does, or if your intent is to test its ability to do so, then proceed with caution and be aware that certain functionality in the module - or even the entire module - may not function correctly in this configuration.

If you are confused by this message or are working on a site that cannot tolerate any breakage, you should click Cancel and contact the DotNetNuke Support Team.

Welcome to our blog. A place for insurance agents to find and share useful information relevant to VoIP



Keeping an online presence that keeps you competitive

You have it at home, you have it in your office. You carry it in your pocket all day long. We’re

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The customer experience makes or breaks your brand

Customer demands are ever evolving and changing. They are shaped by technology, social media, and

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Gauging Your Insurance Agency's Customer Satisfaction

Customer Service: Gauging Customer Satisfaction by Phyllis Gillman at Vertafore is an awesome post.

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VoIP Meets Social Networking for your Insurance Agency

When VoIP Meets Social NetworkingVoice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a natural partner for

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Reduce Error and Omission Exposure

Reduce E&O Exposure No one wants to really talk about E&O issues, but they are one of the biggest

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Call Recording part 2 of 3

Continued....   Calls are stored securely in your VoIP provider’s cloud in convenient MP3 or WAV

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Best VoIP Feature for Your Insurance Agency- Part 1

VoIP for your agency is all the rage right now with vendors touting incredible features like

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Survey of Consumer Insurance Buying Habits

Here’s a scary thought. Some $400 million in insurance purchase dollars could end up in the hands of

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Protecting your insurance agency from VoIP fraud

Your insurance company has enough to deal with on a day to day business. The security of your

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Information contained in this blog is for informational purposes only and is in no way to be construed as legal advice or business advice.
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